It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new.
But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


With all the hustle and bustle of packing and closing up Things and movers and moving and driving from New York to Florida by myself with the cats, I didn't have time to sit and just reflect on what I was leaving behind, what I was taking with me and what I was heading towards.

Not actual Things ... physical things .. but the Memories, the sights and sounds that brought to mind happy times, love and closeness and togetherness.

Now here I am .. with 3 cats.

I drove down at my own pace, staying in hotels with my 2 cats, taking my time, not getting panicked or crazed about Time  ... everyone would be there when I got there ..

Upon my arrival I got the news that my Mom had had a massive heart attack.
I went to the hospital and was glad that she knew me ... hoped for a miracle.
That miracle did not happen ... my mom died ...  all those plans , those hopes and dreams .

My sweet daughter helped me find ... actually she found,  my home. A fabulous condo in a safe gated community with plenty of room for my furniture and now 3 cats.. my moms sweet sweet cat .. who is still a bit confused.

We sleep together .. good thing I have a large bed , I have no more room for more cats. It is funny how a little cat can take up a human sized section of a bed.

They all love the lanai, there are boxes and crates and pillows and chairs and water for anyone who feels like relaxing out in the fresh air ... they all do ... every day .
Moms cat (Honey) waits for those doors to open , she moseys out to check on things, she likes her little spot on a cushion ..
Minette has to check every inch of the place, before hopping into her chair and relaxing.
Merlin slowly goes out, squints around at things, finds his cushion and takes his first of many naps of the day... sweet sweet boy. . he tolerates my fits of kisses so well. Purring away.
Minette  will purr and snuggle but then she wants to be on her own .. independent little puss.
Honey is just so glad to be fed and have some peace and quiet and a little company, she purrs all the time.

They are the best thing for a sad persons spirits ...

I have been having fun with decorating and today will be fresh flowers and plants day.
I have to be able to put out anything that is Not toxic to cats and that they will not ruin by chewing off the leaves.
I might end up having this glorious garden of plastic plants and trees on the lanai :)
I have a years lease here so I can take my time adjusting,  then do some house hunting with my daughter.
Small, these days for me, is a Good Thing.
Safe and Cozy and Quiet .. and cat friendly !
So on we go, my little tribe and I ... onward ! forward !

Honey takes a nap


  1. It's good to look back and take stock, of both good and not-so-good things. It helps us to prepare for what is to come, I think. God bless.

  2. Dearest Candice,
    Well, you traveled at your pace and all other things happened the way they were meant to happen. Nothing what we can do about life and we never can go back. But so happy that your Mom knew you; that gives you a lot of solace and also by having her sweet Honey with you to love and care for.
    Take it easy, no rush for anything and let things get digested and the grieving period being worked in.
    Hugs and blessings for the weekend!

  3. Thank you so much Maritette, so true .. nothing we can do about life or go back ..

  4. I'm so glad you and the kitties are getting settled in!


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